COCOON 72634 is formulated for protection of surfaces subject to incidental foodstuff contact according to the definitions of U.S.D.A. (F.D.A.) requirements. It has maximum surface hardness and very high abrasion resistance. COCOON 72634 is a liquid polyvinyl chloride coating which can be sprayed on any clean, dry building surface. Wherever it is sprayed, it forms a tough, strong, permanent waterproof skin that is adaptable to most interior surfaces. COCOON 72634 is used in many situations including food processing and packaging facilities, cooling and blast freezers, nitrogen atmosphere storage, bottling plants, water cooling and recycling rooms, separators, and other areas where abrasion resistance, washability, moisture protection, chemical protection are important.
Outstanding Features:
- Attractive, jointless, hygienic seal that is highly resistant to impact and abrasion
- May be used in livestock situations where resistance to physical damage, blood, fecal matter, and biological fluids is essential
- Maintains an effective seal against water and water-borne contaminants including chemical treatments and enzymes
- Maintains integrity of seals at pipe and duct penetrations, where expansion and contraction along dissimilar planes causes stress
- Resists abrasion from entrained solids of turbid waters in dynamic flow situations
- Meets the requirements of U.S.D.A. (F.D.A.) for incidental food contact and is approved for these uses
- Low surface tension reduces drag coefficient at the surface/liquid interface
- Architectural colors available that maintain stability and definition in aggressive environments
All surfaces must be dry, free of dirt, loose debris, oils, grease, or any substance that could interfere with adhesion. Additionally, all surfaces should be modified in a manner to make them as smooth as possible by removing sharp projections and filling gaps and voids. A minimum surface profile of ½ mm should be maintained for maximum adhesion. After proper masking, prime the entire surface to be coated with Vinyl Bond B, directly from the can, by spray or roller and allow the primer to dry. Close all penetrations through the surface by using a webbing coat. Webbing solution is made by mixing 1 part webbing agent with 3 parts Cocoon 72634 to produce a milky, white solution that will support the following coats. Mix ½ gallon of Cocoon Pigment into a 5-gallon can of Cocoon 72634 and mix until the color is uniform. Spray apply the mixed Cocoon 72634 in multiple overlapping passes until a 20 mil dry film thickness has been achieved. The first should be very light to avoid breaking the webs. Properly applied, the coating should be free of voids and pinholes. Voids and pinholes must be re-sprayed to achieve a complete seal. Prior to the removal of any protection or equipment, a thorough inspection of the entire area should be completed and all damage or deficiencies must be repaired and re-sprayed. All termination joints should be sealed with a polyurethane sealant. For recommendations regarding equipment, contact our Technical Department.
Proper ventilation must be provided during application for effective drying of the coating, and all applicators must wear suitable respirators.
Damaged areas may be repaired by cleaning surface and application of Cocoon 72634 as described in the Application section.
Read the container label warning and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for important health and safety information prior to the use of this product.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.
For additional information, contact the Andek Technical Department.
Notice: The information presented herein is based on tests and data that Andek Corporation believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by technically qualified personnel at their own discretion and risk. Since conditions of handeling and use are beyond our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assuming no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing herein is to be construed as a license to operate or a recommendation to infringe any patent.